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    Mila Ballin

    My proposal was to explore the relationship between oppression and identity through the use of materials such as tinfoil, fabric and plastic as a symbolic representation of how we can lose sight of the person we are under societal expectation juxtaposed with the freedom of self expression. I guess the overall message I want to communicate surrounds the idea of being true to yourself, to not allow yourself to be blinded by the constructs of our “perfect” demanding society.

    I feel like it’s so easy to conceal ourselves, wrapped up within the ideals of the people we want to be. To lose that control over our own identity. I found myself questioning a lot of things over the duration of 2021 trying so hard to find my purpose within the constraints of my inner need to be “perfect”. It took me a long time to find myself, going through small gaps where I see a glimpse of the person I want to be, and then a hint of a reflection of the person I am. All mixed in with a good dose of blurred vision, and sometimes just darkness as you sort of stumble your way towards the end goal… Like trying to work google maps when the screen keeps rotating. However, I’m glad to say we got there in the end."

    Works by Mila Ballin

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